Thursday, January 31, 2013

JB and Zayn Malik BFFs??

Justin Beiber is such a wonderful soul and I'm sure all you beliebers out there belieb it!! And we have proof to prove it!

Zayn's recent girl troubles with Perry have left him in a pickle...she's saying that Zayn betrayed her...who knows if that's actually true!

But Justin Beiber has been kind enough to offer a hand to his friend in need. He's been through this before and recently just ended a rocky relationship with pop diva actor, Selena Gomez! He has Gretchen advice I'm certain of it! What do you guys think? Leave a comment on what you think?

This is what Justin said, "I'm always there for my friends, especially when they're going through their rocky times. So many people think that the members of One Direction and I are huge rivals, but in actuality we aren't. We're actually good friends, I like to think of it like this, Beliebers and Directioners are family! And all my beliebers are my friends! I just wish that I could be there for ALL of my beilebers when they're down and out the way I can be here for my friend, Zayn!"

Adorable right!! I think he loves ALL of his beliebers just like he loves Zayn! Peace out Vougies!
Gossip Vouge!!

One Direction's Zayn Malik Spotted With A New Hand Injury!

One Direction's 20 year old heartbreaker Zayn Malik walked out of a London Studio Wednesday afternoon on a break.

When we saw him we noticed his right hand and several of his fingers were bandaged up, as though he'd severely injured himself doing who knows what!

Our sources haven't been able to get any information about the injury or the accident that took place, but we all know the best thing about Zayn Malik! Nothing comes between the boys and their practicing! He's obviously not letin this injury affect their practice hours! We all love Zayn and the wonderful sacrifice he makes for the band! We ALL know he should be sleeping to heal that up, but he's out and about like the Zayn we know and love!!!
Gossip Vouge!

Katy Perry made Lauren Conrad Cry?!?

Pop star diva, Katy perry made fashionista Lauren Conrad cry! Don't worry there's not bad blood over these two Hollywood stars, in fact Lauren cried FOR Katy!

Lauren was in a plane heading someplace for a new shoot and she decided to plug in a movie! Can you guess which one? Yep the Katy perry: Part of Me movie.

She was stunned to see everything that the young popstar had struggled through, it was enough to make her cry. Even reminding her of her own well as marriage.

"I love my husband I really do, and I love his style. He's more of a blue jeans and t-shirt kind of guy! Sometimes I'll sneak clothes into his drawer!"

Sneaky sneaky Lauren! Lol, we love our pop stars! And fashionistas hope you all stay "Forever Young"!!!
Gossip Vouge!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Justin Who?

Former Disney diva Selena Gomez is doing well with the split between her and her ex, beiber. She's not home crying like any other girl would be, no she's out recording! Crazy? No shes strong! Belibers, now that she's gone, do you think you have a shot? Well it's possible, but I think Mrs. Barbra Palvin Beiber has this one in the bag!

We spoke to Justin last night in Miami while he was "out and about" he said, "I'm so in love, head over heels even and I think she could be my one less lonely girl!" aww how romantic right? Well get this he says, "sometime in the near future I may even...pop the question! I mean I have a ring picked out and everything!"

Sorry beliebers, maybe you can be Justin's adopted daughter(: but back to Selena!

She's restricted her mom from saying TOO much about her new album coming out but we didn't manage to get this! After Selener broke up, Selena has recorded over 16 songs!
"I'm definitely much sassier now, with the split and all!"(: It's nice to know that there are still strong women in the world that can move on without months of crying or even a single tear! WE LOVE YOU SELENA!!!
Gossip Vouge!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Trending Cardigans

A new trend that seems to keep popping up in this world, is Cardigans! Whether they're tank-tops, quarter sleeve, or long sleeve, everyone seems to be wearing them! I personally think that they are very cute and I wear them all the time to school! Everyone comments on how cute they look with the matched outfits. It all depends on the color of the cardigan. Cream is a great color to wear with bold colors such as hot pink, neon green, blue and orange. The cream off sets the brightness and makes it possible for people to look at you shirt and not go blind!(: Black is good for more neutral colors, such as white, gray, cream, earthy green, and light colors of brown. White is good for almost anything BUT white itself. The bright neon color cardigans all go good with either black OR white, it's just a preference. How it matches also depends on the pattern. On the back of some of mine there is a lacy pattern, or a polka dot pattern throughout the entire ensemble. If you're going to use the polka dot one, go for a plain, non-patterned T-shirt and so forth. Here's a cute idea sent in from a viewer in Germany! Take a cheap white cardigan and splatter paint it all sorts of colors!!! Cute right! I think so! I'd definitely wear THAT idea to school! Well gotta go Vougies! Love ya
Love, Gossip Vouge!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Taylor's New Hook-Up??

Has pop country star Taylor Swift, finally moved on from her most recent heartbreak, One Direction band member Harry Styles. Want to know who her new boyfriend is?? Ok, ok I'll tell you! It's a can of Diet Coke! I think she's finally lost it! In her recent video she stated, "I'm just going to come out and say it...because we want to make it official...I have a new man in my life, his name is Diet Coke!" After Harry Styles dumped her sorry butt, I think she got SO lonely she had to be with someone...or something and I believe a Diet Coke can was the closest thing to her at the time. When they break up, how is she gonna write a break up Song for THAT?!? It goes like this: And I opened you up and drank you down After I'm done I'm gonna crush you in the junk yard Turn ya into something useful Cause ya cheated on me with 7 Up Now I'm gonna THROW UP you stupid little metal piece if crap! Lolz! Just watch it happen guys! Then, she goes and gets a contract with the Diet Coke company...she's even doing a commercial With "him" I think she's truly and finally cracked! Not even kidding! Well got to go! See ya Vougies Love, Gossip Vouge!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Justin Beiber Filming a New Concert Movie in Miami TONIGHT?!?!

We think, 2013 is going to be the 3012 of Justin Beibers. Beliebers, be prepared to scream and cry...

Tonight, yes you read that right, TONIGHT Justin is filming another 3D movie called, "Beliebers" featuring videos of the fans expressing their "Fever!" He is also is featuring his concert in the movie.

As we speak, he is filming in Miami the movie that is rumored to be released in August of this year! Peace out Beliebers and Vougies!

Gossip Vouge!

One Direction Kiss You NRJ Awards Performance

One Direction Performed at the NJR awards. Considering their recent lady problems, who do you think was more nervous to perform?
Harry OR Zayn??

Truthfully, none of them ACTUALLY looked nervous as they performed, even with Taylor in the audience!

Taylor also performed her hit single, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, and the floppy-haired Celebrity didn't seem to show any emotion.

These boys are FABU! Absolutely outstanding! I have a feeling that they might be around for a VERY long time! Considering no arguments or fight break out(:

See ya Vougies,

Gossip Vouge!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

One Direction Break-Up??

One Direction Singer, Harry Styles thinking of quitting ands becoming a soloist like he aspired at the start or Britain's X-Factor? I must say, he's been showing quite a lot of signs...
He also came out a said that he was thinking about it...
If I were a directioner, I'd be fearful of the moments too come with the Haylor break up and the pressure for another album and the world's not looking well. If you all want Harry to stay in the band, I recommend doing EVERYTHING in your power to make him feel wanted and to make him stay!!! Love you Vougies!!!
Gossip Vouge!

Max Schneider and Victoria Justice?

Hey Vougies,

This is crazy! Is there really a budding romance between Nickelodeon Star, Victoria Justice and up-and-coming Pop Star Max Schneider? Our sources say, guilty as charged!!! They did a cute little holiday music video and after that, they kept in touch. They fell in love, but c'mon, who can't fall in love with Max Schneider?
Our sources spoke to an inside friend of Miss Justice, "I haven't seen her this in love for years!" Our source stated, "She's gaga over him, and they are obviously perfect for each other!"

Sorry all you Schneider Monkeys, but I think Victoria has her future hubby in the bag...although, you still have your dreams, and aspirations. I wish you luck Victoria and Max, may you have a nice, long, prosperous  relationship!
Gossip Vouge! <3

Justin Bieber Investigated for Assault?!?1

Hey Vougies,
Sorry I haven't posted anything for SO long, I've been extremely busy! It was the end of term at school and all my other responsibilities had fallen on the same week!! But, I have great news! I two weeks of our blog being up, we have reached nearly 60 page views!!! I know it's not a lot...yet! But this is the exciting part, we have views in all, England, Canada and the United States! That made my day today! Well here's the story!

Justin was in Ottawa, Canada in November of 2012, when a young Canadian women called in a police report against him. She was walking along the area of "attack" when she was hit by something. When she looked up, she saw the young celebrity racing away. She called in and filed it as an assault...

We know now, that the young woman was hit with a Nerf Gun bullet...ridiculous. It's a bit pathetic, if you ask me. This is what really happened.

Justin was playing in a Nerf war with his little brother and sister. The woman crossed their paths and Justin accidentally hit her...she called the cops.

What is completely bogus is that the cops are actually taking this seriously. They've already had plenty of interviews with Justin, and investigated his story many, many times. As for me, I'm expecting Justin to walk away a free man. Her story is completely bogus and there is no way Justin will be charged or arrested.

Well that's the story, post a comment, should he be charged, or shouldn't he?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Accara, Ghana 1D Service Project

Too all you Directioners our there! I bet you're ecstatic to know that your future hubby is out there making a difference in the world!! Boy band One Direction went to Acara, Ghana too help with a comical relief program!
Hotties, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomilson, Zayn Malik, and Liam Payne all headed off to an amazing adventure. For those of you who don't know, Acara is a small village facing poverty. They have hardly any money at all! They didn't have clean water, indoor plumbing and so forth.
Harry Styles tweeted, "Best day...ever of my life!" All you Harry Styles fans must be sighing in affection for the young heartbreak. Niall Horan also tweeted something long and touchy feely about their experience, but I wont go into detail on THAT tweet.
All if these awesome guys have expressed some emotion saying that this experience changed their lives, sorry Taylor, you lost a freaking AWESOME catch! Bye my beautiful Vougies!
Gossip Vouge!

Lady Gaga Pregnant?!?!?

Is Lady Gaga pregnant at last? Our sources confirm yes! Finally the moment all you little monster were waiting for! This puts the many rumors saying Gaga is a man, too rest! Finally! Our sources have not yet been able to confirm who the father is, and it is too early to tell the sex of the baby, but she definitiley is pregnant! Do you remember Gaga as a blonde? Well now she is a brunette! Why you ask? Well, you aren't able to bleach your hair while you are pregnant! Gaga is going to have the CUTEST baby bump in the history of baby bumps!!! This brings on the question, is Gaga going to settle down and give up her dream as the Born To Be This Way star? Only she knows! Well we hope for Gaga and Little Gaga to have a wonderfully safe carry and birth! Be strong!
Gossip Vouge

Monday, January 14, 2013

Colored skinnies <3

Hey guys, Gossip Vouge here. I have to say, those colored skinny jeans have sky rocketed! I also have to say, I love them!!! I have like twenty pairs! Now I may be biased to my opinion, but I think that colored skinnies are totally a cool pop of color to the world! We live in such a boring world that when something colorful pops into trend, how can you NOT be a part of it! Ok, in case you're in need of what to wear with your colored skinnies, I've got my tips!
Red: Plain black T with a fancy necklace or neutral colored scarf and black books
Light Blue: plain white or grey T with suspenders, scarf, or necklace and brown boots.
Dark Blue: Grey shirt and accessories of your choice with black converse.
Pink: White T, necklace with pink accents and white shoes or sandals
Yellow: white long sleeve with neutral cardigan and white flats
Orange: DONT EVER WEAR PURPLE WITH ORANGE!!! Wear neutral color without an extremely distracting pattern. Wear an orange headband and neutral flats.
Green: grey shirt, necklace with color, and grey flats
Purple: Brown plain shirt, necklace, brown flats

Sharon and Kelly Osborn in a feud with Lady Gaga?

Kelly Osborn made a statement about Lady Gaga's sudden weight gain, even saying she was pregnant! Lady Gaga's "little monsters" did NOT take that comment lightly. They began harrassing Kelly, one even posted,
"Kelly Osborn needs to go kill herself!" Harsh!
Sharon came out and said that Lady GaGa was a bully! Mature right? Lady GaGa wrote an open letter to Kelly, the first picture is what it said.
The second picture is Sharon's reply.
This feud is getting heated!  They state that the feud is definitily not finished and will go on for much longer! Lets see how things turn ou

Barbra Palvin VS. Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber's stunning ex Selena Gomez attended the same Golden Globe award after party as Justin's new honey Barbra Palvin. Justin was also in attendance. Is there a rivalry between the two stars? Who knows, Barbra is known as a jealous type! Too all you beliebers, sorry to say, but I think your man might soon be off the market, so I would act fast! Poor Selena, getting jealous too? Watch out this could get messy.
Barbra tells Camara's, "I only wanted to get to know him because I was a fan of his working!" Do I smell user by any chance? But she goes on to say, "now I am head over heals for him!" Ahhh Selena watch out, JB has another kitten up his alley!
Justin came out and said  that he really enjoyed the company of the young 19 year old. These two have got to be made for each other!
Well read me later Vougies!
Gossip Vouge! <3

Haylor Swyles

Hey guys,
Gossip Vouge here! Bringing to you all the latest news in the world around you! Latest shizel, the infamous Harry Styles and Taylor Swift duo split? I think true! One Direction member Harry Styles had a summer romance with cunning Pop Country artist Taylor Swift had a budding romance.
It all started right before Taylor started dating Conor Kennedy. They had a budding romance and then Harry went away to England for a bit and when he returned Taylor was serious with Conor. Then Conor and Taylor broke up when they found Taylor and Conor's cousin Patrick Swartznegger making out at a party.
After that whole trainwreck Taylor bumped back into Harry and they became good friends! Finally, everything the Directioners had been waiting for, Harry and Taylor started dating! Exciting right?
Well the two of them had some very strong feelings for each other. They skyped on Christmas so they could watch each other opened their gift to the other. They decided to go on a "romantic New Year's getaway" but were seen leaving the island separately. Some say Harry was bored of Taylor always talking about her hobby for antiques, others say it was because so was too over enthusiastic. Our inside sources tell us that Harry dumped poor Taylor because of the of lack of 'activities in the bedroom.' According to the same source, Taylor has already written 5 break-up songs about One Direction member Harry Styles but is unsure at this time if she shall be releasing them to the public.
"Taylor writes songs like other women talk on the phone with friends." Says another close friend of Taylor's, "She's been expressing her feelings that way for years."
Well, sorry Harry, but seems like you broke the wrong heart. And too all you Directioners out there, I suppose to win Mr. Styles heart, you have to be exciting in the bedroom! Perhaps, you could be the one to change him!:)
Read me later!
Gossip Vouge.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Well, hey guys, I'm Gossip Vouge and this is my blog! There really isn't much to say in my intro blog but here are a few things about me!
~I'm obsessed with fashion
~I love animals
~My favorite color is pink
~I couldn't live without my phone
~I'm in LOVE with One Direction
~And I'll always keep my identity a secret(;
Anyways, in my blog I'll be posting the lastest gossip about Celebs and everything, as well as the latest fashion trends and the Do's and Don'ts! So read me and I'll keep you guys posted!!