Monday, January 14, 2013

Haylor Swyles

Hey guys,
Gossip Vouge here! Bringing to you all the latest news in the world around you! Latest shizel, the infamous Harry Styles and Taylor Swift duo split? I think true! One Direction member Harry Styles had a summer romance with cunning Pop Country artist Taylor Swift had a budding romance.
It all started right before Taylor started dating Conor Kennedy. They had a budding romance and then Harry went away to England for a bit and when he returned Taylor was serious with Conor. Then Conor and Taylor broke up when they found Taylor and Conor's cousin Patrick Swartznegger making out at a party.
After that whole trainwreck Taylor bumped back into Harry and they became good friends! Finally, everything the Directioners had been waiting for, Harry and Taylor started dating! Exciting right?
Well the two of them had some very strong feelings for each other. They skyped on Christmas so they could watch each other opened their gift to the other. They decided to go on a "romantic New Year's getaway" but were seen leaving the island separately. Some say Harry was bored of Taylor always talking about her hobby for antiques, others say it was because so was too over enthusiastic. Our inside sources tell us that Harry dumped poor Taylor because of the of lack of 'activities in the bedroom.' According to the same source, Taylor has already written 5 break-up songs about One Direction member Harry Styles but is unsure at this time if she shall be releasing them to the public.
"Taylor writes songs like other women talk on the phone with friends." Says another close friend of Taylor's, "She's been expressing her feelings that way for years."
Well, sorry Harry, but seems like you broke the wrong heart. And too all you Directioners out there, I suppose to win Mr. Styles heart, you have to be exciting in the bedroom! Perhaps, you could be the one to change him!:)
Read me later!
Gossip Vouge.

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