Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lady Gaga Pregnant?!?!?

Is Lady Gaga pregnant at last? Our sources confirm yes! Finally the moment all you little monster were waiting for! This puts the many rumors saying Gaga is a man, too rest! Finally! Our sources have not yet been able to confirm who the father is, and it is too early to tell the sex of the baby, but she definitiley is pregnant! Do you remember Gaga as a blonde? Well now she is a brunette! Why you ask? Well, you aren't able to bleach your hair while you are pregnant! Gaga is going to have the CUTEST baby bump in the history of baby bumps!!! This brings on the question, is Gaga going to settle down and give up her dream as the Born To Be This Way star? Only she knows! Well we hope for Gaga and Little Gaga to have a wonderfully safe carry and birth! Be strong!
Gossip Vouge

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