Saturday, January 26, 2013

Justin Bieber Investigated for Assault?!?1

Hey Vougies,
Sorry I haven't posted anything for SO long, I've been extremely busy! It was the end of term at school and all my other responsibilities had fallen on the same week!! But, I have great news! I two weeks of our blog being up, we have reached nearly 60 page views!!! I know it's not a lot...yet! But this is the exciting part, we have views in all, England, Canada and the United States! That made my day today! Well here's the story!

Justin was in Ottawa, Canada in November of 2012, when a young Canadian women called in a police report against him. She was walking along the area of "attack" when she was hit by something. When she looked up, she saw the young celebrity racing away. She called in and filed it as an assault...

We know now, that the young woman was hit with a Nerf Gun bullet...ridiculous. It's a bit pathetic, if you ask me. This is what really happened.

Justin was playing in a Nerf war with his little brother and sister. The woman crossed their paths and Justin accidentally hit her...she called the cops.

What is completely bogus is that the cops are actually taking this seriously. They've already had plenty of interviews with Justin, and investigated his story many, many times. As for me, I'm expecting Justin to walk away a free man. Her story is completely bogus and there is no way Justin will be charged or arrested.

Well that's the story, post a comment, should he be charged, or shouldn't he?

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